
The Worlds of Green


The Worlds of Green


The Worlds of Green concept responds to the current and future need to attract sufficient professionals to the green sector. This concept aims to improve the image of the green sector in order to attract the professionals it needs.

This publication is based on the experience of companies, schools and governmental organisations in the Dutch Green sector working together in Groenpact. We would like to share our lessons learned and hope to inspire you. Since the concept is based on the Dutch context, some of the examples provided may need some translation to be applicable to situations outside the Netherlands. Nevertheless, we hope you find them useful!


Context provides meaning! The Worlds of Green offer inviting perspectives, both now and for the future. The eight Worlds of Green start from a broad perspective and boost creativity. They invite you to discuss your current message and how it can be adapted to appeal even better.

The Worlds of Green are a useful resource no matter where you work in the green sector ecosystem. The Worlds of Green are useful for….

The education sector
To encourage more students into and from green degree programs. The worlds offer context and content for recruitment campaigns and act as benchmark and development tools for the available degree programs.

The business world
To increase and retain well-qualified staff. The Worlds of Green offer tools for recruiting employees and for updating the sector or company’s internal and external profiles.

Prospects for the future 
To elevate the green sector’s image in a way that emphasizes its great versatility and impact. Because the green sector offers many solutions for environmental and societal challenges. 


The Worlds of Green reflect the current green sector ánd its potential. They describe the contexts in which employees are working in this sector and the contribution you could make to it. They also offer insight into the sector’s impacts on the greater good. The Worlds of Green are fully connected to each other and also overlap.

Linking the perspective of one or more worlds with the target group’s motives creates new context-rich stories.


The Worlds of Green is an instrument that provides context and tools for professionals in the green sector:

  • For marketing and communication staff at educational institutions: determination of versatility, added value, and the importance and innovative power of the green sector in recruiting students and employees.
  • For teachers and degree program experts: aids in the further development of degree programs to train the green employees of the future and encourages more cross-pollination between gray, blue, and green.
  • For marketing and communication staff at companies and trade associations: helps with profiling the company or sector, developing and modernizing companies, and recruiting employees.

The Worlds of Green are comprehensive, while leaving space for you to add your own accents and context. If desired, this can be done with support from GroenPact.

Explore the Worlds of Green 

  Human Health
  Energy, Water, & Safety 
  Nature, Climate, & the Living Environment
  Living, Working, & Recreation
  Production, Global Trade, & Logistics
  People & Animals
  High Tech, Science, & Design

The following documents are available and free to use for each world: 

  • Stories
  • Video of the world
  • Icon of the world
  • Images of the world
  • Stock photos, for inspiration and for your own purchase (if you desire)

You find these documents for each world by clicking on the links to the worlds in the overview above. 

The Green Worlds are created in collaboration with Colland
(Photo source: Shutterstock - Design images: Imagro)