Why this tool?
Stakeholder Analysis measures the needs, satisfaction, and wishes of stakeholders inside and outside your public-private partnership. This tool helps you align your organization’s work with your stakeholders’ needs.
What is the goal?
The results of a Stakeholder Analysis are useful for both self-evaluation and future planning. The process of interviews, roundtable discussions, and sharing results is also useful for starting conversations with stakeholders.
Who is it for?
Public-private partnerships in vocational education training that want to determine the best way they can continue serving the stakeholders they have identified. The analysis is most useful for organizations that have completed the start phase.
What is it?
The Stakeholder Analysis is a process for gathering input from stakeholders both inside and outside your organization. It is based on a survey you use to assess and map the needs of your partners and the opportunities to grow as a network.
How can Katapult help?
Katapult has resources for adapting questions for your organization’s needs and can guide you through the Stakeholder Analysis process. For organizations working with international stakeholders, we can share our partner’s experience with building relationships and shaping conversations between cultures.
How do you use it?
Step 1
Request access to the Stakeholder Analysis questionnaire.
Contact Katapult by mail at hello@wearekatapult.eu for access to the questionnaire.
Step 2
Customize the survey based on your own research questions.
Katapult can help you personalize survey questions based on your industry, phase, and culture.
Step 3
Identify the stakeholders you want to include in your analysis.
Your stakeholders might include teachers, students, and education administrators as well as business community leaders and employees. Katapult can help you work through the process of deciding who to include and exclude in this process. In doing so, realize that stakeholders within the PPP are probably more positive than stakeholders outside the collaboration.
Step 4
Administer the survey by telephone or email.
We recommend you contact the stakeholders you want to involve before contacting them for the survey. Picking up the phone and making a personal contact is a key step here. You may decide to hire a consultancy firm to collect and analyze the data.
Step 5
Summarize and present your conclusions.
Share the results of your analysis within your organization and with the interviewees who contributed to your analysis.
Step 6
Hold a roundtable discussion with various stakeholders.
Invite key stakeholders to discuss the results of the stakeholder analysis. Discuss whether you are on the right path or perhaps need to correct your course. Together, you can develop a plan of action based on the results of the stakeholder analysis.