Katapult impact report 2021: the impact of public private partnerships in VET in the Netherlands
Knowledge on CoVEs #Connection education-labor market #Impact analysis #Collaboration #Publication
We say it everywhere: Katapult is on the move. When research figures confirm this, we can't believe our luck. You see, it really is true, the Katapult network works! Partnerships in VET and higher vocational education experiment, develop and grow in abundance. As many as 12,000 companies, 124,000 students and 8,000 teachers are reaping the benefits of public-private cooperation.
Since 2016, we have been measuring the impact and added value of the activities of the Katapult Network. In 2021 we carried out new measurements and compiled the most important results in a new publication. Impact and added value of cooperation between vocational education and business, 2019 - 2021 provides an overview and summary of the most important points.
12,000 companies, 124,000 students and 8,000 teachers working together
A growing number of companies and schools are finding each other in an intensive co-creation of vocational education and professional practice. And things are also going well outside the national borders. More and more Dutch universities of applied sciences and intermediate vocational education institutions are joining international networks. Finally, we see that ambitions and coalitions are persisting: public-private partnerships are becoming more sustainable and several of them are expanding or have ambitions to do so. The Katapult formula is a success in vocational education and offers more than enough room for growth.
Stronger propositions for SMEs
A large proportion of the companies participating in a PPP are (small) SMEs. They leave their mark on the further development of the PPP; more offers are now being developed in the field of innovation of professional practice and lifelong development for their employees. Initiatives such as MKB! dee and Digitale Werkplaatsen, for example, focus on the innovative capacity of entrepreneurs and the professionalisation of employees. Many PPPs use these forms of development and training to increase the vitality and resilience of SMEs.
Greater contribution to social challenges
Previous impact measurements have already shown that PPPs are active in the major social themes, such as transitions in energy and care, digitisation and inclusiveness in the workplace. The impact measurement 2021 also shows that the ICT/digitisation theme is a focal point within the Katapult network and is often combined with other disciplines. The most common application areas are the high-tech sector (Smart Industry), education, care & welfare (Smart Health) and construction (Smart Building). In addition, the prominent role of PPPs for the social challenge 'security' is apparent: many PPPs are working on digital security themes such as 'cyber security'. Finally, the growing focus on care & welfare in secondary vocational education (MBO) and higher vocational education (HBO) and the growing importance of Life Sciences & Health in HBO is striking.
Further development means that more underlying connections are made between disciplines, sectors and educational levels. These connections are desperately needed to find answers and solutions for the social challenges and transitions. Fortunately, more and more PPPs are recognising the importance of these connections. They are expanding their repertoire to work in a more multidisciplinary, multisectoral and multilevel manner at more educational levels in order to achieve results. The steps are being taken, and the potential for further joining forces in the network is great.