First Intervision Platforms of Vocational Excellence
Knowledge on CoVEs #Building networks #Center of Vocational Excellence
In 2019, the European Commission launched a Erasmus+ call for pilot projects under Sector Skills Alliances to support Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE). Among the many applicants, the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) selected the 5 best projects that are now running their projects for a duration of 2 years. These are:
Excellence is being pursued by these projects, in both the objectives they aim for, but also in the way these 5 distinct projects are cooperating among themselves. Indeed, on 14 May, they organized, managed and arranged among themselves an “InterVision” meeting in a bottom-up approach to discuss common challenges and solutions in the implementation of their Erasmus+ projects. They did so on their own initiative with the aim to improve the effectiveness of their common work.
During this first meeting, an interactive survey was conducted among the partners. The project leaders shared their experiences related to the challenges posed by the current COVID-19 Pandemic, the levels of engagement of the various partners, as well as good practices and tools to support the effective implementation of the projects.
The PoVE Water project in collaboration with the Dutch Katapult initiative presented the well tested “Business Canvas Model”. This tool supports the Platforms by clearly identifying their vision, mission and how to get the job done.
Acting as “Ambassadors”, the CoVE pilots agreed to give their feedback on the concept for the CoVE support service, on which Directorate-General for Employment, social affairs and inclusion (DG EMPL) has been working intensely. They are also eager to test the self-assessment tool that the ETF is developing and possibly also to join the ENE (ETF Network of Excellence), as a way to tapping into the network of ETF partner countries working on excellence.
The meeting was very successful, with the Pilot projects agreeing to continue these self-organised InterVision meetings, and even to extend the next meeting any other VET Centre that may be interested in pursuing Vocational Excellence. They also intend to launch a joint communication plan on CoVEs to share their experiences with the larger VET community.
For more information, visit the website of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission