European grant for Platforms of Vocational Excellence
European Commission #Funding opportunities #Center of Vocational Excellence #Erasmus
Public-private partnerships are not only in the Netherlands, but also in Europe, the spotlight is on PPP. The European Commission is currently supporting the development of so-called Platforms of Vocational Excellence with a pilot grant. A Platform of Vocational Excellence connects Centers of Vocational Excellence in different countries and in this way ensures the exchange of knowledge, experience and people on a specific theme or social issue.
CIV Water and five other Platforms already made a successful application in 2019, with Katapult as one of the project partners in CIV Water. For the current call, with a deadline of 28 February 2020, an amount of four million euros is available for five years for five projects. A prerequisite for a successful application is that your project involves at least four countries, with at least 1 educational organization and 1 organization from the field. You can find the call text here.
Do you need support with the development of your project proposal or do you want to know more about Platforms of Vocational Excellence, please contact Boudewijn.