Best practice: Creative Knowledge Platform
PPP activities #Creative Industry #Center of Vocational Excellence #Best practice
Another inspiring example of how public private partnerships work on the knowledge of tomorrow, bringing together educators, businesses and governments to find solutions for our societal challenges!
Center of Vocational Excellence 'DeuS' has launched a new Pan-European platform for creatives: the Creative Knowledge Platform. The platform brings together creative professionals, education providers, researchers and policy makers, and invites them to build an informal, open and Pan-European community.
"We are extremely proud and excited to be able to launch this platform. It is an ambitious project, but one that is needed on a European scale."
- Rita Orlando, Primary Coordinator of DeuS
The platform is a one-stop shop for the cultural and creative industries. It will offer open source educational materials and a variety of training possibilities for creative professionals. It will also feature our inspiring initiatives collection, toolkits and other interesting reads to be inspired by.
Want to know more about the Creative Knowledge Platform? See their website!